| Monday, May 24, 2010

Here is the way to disable selinux:

1-Edit /etc/selinux/config and set the SELINUX variable to 'disabled'
2-Use the setenforce command to disable on-the-fly

With solution 1, your changes are permanent but only effective if you reboot the machine.

With solution 2, your changes are NOT permanent but effective immediately.

Hope this clears it up :-).

taken from : http://www.linuxquestions.org

SE Linux

| Friday, May 07, 2010

Install SE Linux

# apt-get install selinux-basics selinux-policy-default
# reboot
# nano /etc/default/rcS
edit FSCKFIX=yes
# nano /etc/cron.daily/mlocate (digunakan agar locate database tidak berjalan terus)
tambahkan exit 0 pd baris ke 2

Jika sudah selesai ketikkan :
# check-selinux-installation
# rm /var/run/motd
# ln -s /etc/motd.baru /etc/motd

Security Linux

| Thursday, May 06, 2010

1. Matikan dan buang service2 yang tidak perlu.
bisa install rcconf u/ mengatur startup.
dan apt-get remove packagegakpenting

2. Edit partisi, matikan eksekusi untuk partisi dimana user menaruh data (terutama web server)

3. Ubah file descriptor di sysctl.conf
your file descriptor must be beyond 65535

4. Upgrade ke kernel paling baru.

5. Atur firewall se secure mungkin. Allow port yang diperlukan saja.

6. Atur akses login user.

7. Sebisa mungkin jangan gunakan default port.

8. Disable root login from remote

9. Edit motd.

10. Coba main2 dgn sysctl.conf (beware, resiko ditanggung sendiri).

11. Secure kan service2 dan option pada program yg terinstall, misalnya : my.cnf, php.ini, httpd.conf, ftp.conf, snmpd.conf named.conf

12. Install tool pendukung monitoring :
- snmpd, ifstat, iptraf, snort, lsof, htop, deborphan, mtr, nikto. well why do i forget other tool in this critical moment..

Nanti ditambahkan kalau ada lagi.

Thx to cakri n google. u;re all da best.

mencari Package tidak perlu


# apt-get install deborphan
# deborphan -sz
# apt-get remove namapackage
# apt-get remove --purge $(deborphan)
atau bisa juga
# orphaner
perintah di atas ada tampilan grafisnya ;)